Monday, April 28, 2008

More About Me....

Well... Haha.. since my good friend Rin told me that my previous blog doesn't tell much about myself, I'm writing this post.. hahaha.. and that is if only you want to know about me.. not forcing anybody here so if you don't feel like knowing me you can move on to the next blog.. Hahaha OK here goes...

As you may have read somewhere on this blog or if you really know me in person you'd know that my name on the birth certificate is Nabilah binti Mohamad... Did I make that clear everyone? But... yes people there's a but here.. LoL.. my friends call me Teiya.. but some of them still call me Nabilah so whichever suits according to your preference... Official letters will of course use Nabilah too..and my family call me ........... (harhar... nice try but that's for me to know only) I'm the youngest out of two here and I've a damn cool elder brother and here he is ... (since I hardly mentioned him before)

Meet my brother Afiq. So he's the only sibling I have and since I was a baby this is my 'taiko'. Despite of his dying love for video games and Playstation <-I think he's the best gamer I've ever met in person because I'm telling you he's very quick with his fingers and he goes to great lengths in improving his gaming skills by placing his laptop full of Game FAQS next to him while he's playing on his PS2. Since he's ambition is so different from mine and we decided to venture into different fields (he's into Science and taking up Medics while I'm more towards Business and Financial line) so we ended up wanting different stuffs but that doesn't mean we lack of sibling rivalry. So he likes PS2 and Biology I like drums and Maths. Oh yeah.. a lil promo.. he's single.. LoL.. for the mo.. I think so.

So back to me OK? Basically, I'm normal that is I can't live without Oxygen, food and water. I like drums and always a beginner-always!! haha. I must say that you shouldn't be expecting me to play like a pro but I'm always trying to learn and improve my skills though... but I'm scared I'm suck at it..

I think overall I'm a friendly person.. haha.. yeah.. very... I can get along with those who want to befriend me. I love football and I have been a Chelsea's supporter ever since I was six.. and that was before Lampard OK!! But he's my favourite player and I honestly feel that Chelsea will never be the same again without him.. But Chelsea's not as good as it was during the days when Mourinho was their manager... @#%$# HAHA... there you go at least you don't get to read the word right? Enough of football talk mind you I can post one whole blog just about it later on.

More about me... so I am quite an environmentalist.. I hate people who litters and I try my best not to do my part in contributing towards global warming... I love being close to nature and I love photography especially if it involves nature. You can say I love to read but not all the time... Urghh my cornea needs some rest from those horrible letters and words. I do write articles for nature websites sometimes I just use pseudonyms and you just do your wild guess ok cause its not teiya or other names connected to drums... no no... haha

I have lots and lots of important people in my life and I have bestfriends from all walks of life.. So everyone reading this, I am extremely SORRY that I can't place all your pictures and credits up here because trust me it's just too many and you are all very special to me in every way.. and knowing me you know you've got my words.. especially my friends that I met through the wonders of modern technology.. haha yeah the world wide web.. but they're sort of my soulmates you know knowing them is just like magic I can't imagine how 4 people who met on the net, share the same love for the guys from the same genetic constituents (Whoaa.. Teiya just sounded so scientific) can get so close.. and they're of course Rin, Tkah, and Sis Halie.. LoL.. shhh let's keep our dark secrets among ourselves in the chatroom.. Hahaha

Hey it's getting too long here isn't it? I'd better stop la gosh... Sorry too much of your time.. But nevertheless.. you are always welcome round here to view my crap, thoughts and passion... haha

See you rock people!! LoL


Rainy Rin said...

hah!i was named there!OMG!hahaha...thanks a lot sis...i've ever wonder how we can be to those boys who bringing us together.sure we wont meet if they're not running along with the technology...hehehe....and of course,credit also to Tom...we wont meet without the MySpace (even tho sometimes the page just like sh*t..hahaha..)

Cik Halie said...

yay!! i got included there oso. thx la teiya. agreed2. d wonder of technology is juz amazing. eit rin, wanna rembat my position as d public statement maker ke? hahaha.
n teiya come la ziarah2 my blog. sunyi sepi je tau kwsn ptmpatan itu. xkn nk kena ltak chatbox gk kot br u ols nk dtg. haha.

Rainy Rin said...

hahaha...halie,i dun wanna rembat ur position la...i juz show how gud u have teach me on making the public statement maa...heheheh..

TeIyA DrUmzAdDiCt said...

Of coz la u both got listed here.. Lo. sis halie u can saman my madu for taking over ur post.. hahaha.

Rin.. wat's wiv the 'rawk'. r u sure its not tkah ke sape?

Rainy Rin said...

im sure it's not tikah or any of the club scared it was someone that we the way he/she wrote the word "rawk" know who always say n wrote that word la...haiiyyoo....